Class: DVBarChart


new DVBarChart(args)

A DVisual graph element indicate a Bar Chart,integrate the normal,stacked bar chart.
Name Type Description
args Array.<Object> a array contain arguments below
Name Type Attributes Default Description
X Array(string) a list of string for each x-label
Y Array(double) the set of a series value
style string <optional>
'bar' the style of bar chart,'stacked' or 'bar'
stackedY Array(Array(double)) use for stacked bar chart,for each element in this array have #stacked_component numbers.
stackedClass Array(string) a series of string indicate each stacked_component class.
stackedColors Array(DVColor) a series of DVColor indicate each stacked_component class.
all int how many bar you want for each X-label
index int current data is the i-th bar for the each X-label
color DVColor <optional>
new DVColor(256,0,0,0.8) the color of the bar(normal bar)
xGrid boolean <optional>
false whether draw the grid line started from X axes
yGrid boolean <optional>
true whether draw the grid line started from Y axes
xDescript string <optional>
'x' the X axes's description
yDescript string <optional>
'y' the Y axes's description
legendOuterBox boolean <optional>
true whether draw the outer box of legend



draw the DVBarChart on dv's canvas
Name Type Description
dv DVisual the Dvisual instance you want to draw


prepare the needed elements on the first time to draw it
Name Type Description
dv DVisual the Dvisual instance you want to draw